Exam Notices

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Examination Fee Notification of IV, III B.Tech - I Semester Regular / Supplementary, III B.Tech - II Semester Supplementary Examinations Dec 2023. 
Examination Fee Notification of IV B.Tech - II Semester (R18, R16, R14 & R12) Regular / Supplementary Examinations MAY 2023. 
Examination Fee Notification for III B.Tech - I Semester(2020 Batch) Regular Examinations January 2023.
Examination Fee Notification of IV B.Tech - I Semester Regular Examinations Dec-2022.
Examination Fee Notification of I, II & III B.Tech - I & II Semester Supplementary And IV B.Tech - I Semester Supplementary Examinations Dec-2022.
Examination Fee Notification of IV B.Tech - II Semester Special Supplementary Examinations Dec-2022.
Notification of III B.Tech - I Semester (R20) - I Mid Examinations Nov-2022. 
Notification of IV B.Tech (R18) - I Semester I Mid Examinations September 2022. 
List of R18 Regulation Students of 2018-22 Batch Eligible for Grace Marks. 
Examination Fee Notification of I B.Tech - II Semester - I Mid Re-Examination Sep-2022. 
Examination Fee Notification of IV B.Tech - II Semester Advanced Supplementary Examinations Sep-2022. 
Examination Fee Notification of I B.Tech - II Semester (2021 Batch) Regular Examinations September 2022. 
Notification for II B.Tech - II Semester - I Mid Re-examinations August-2022. 
Notification for III B.Tech - II Semester - I Mid Re-examinations July-2022. 
Examination Fee Notification for III, II B.Tech - II Semester Regular Examinations August-2022. 
Examination Fee Notification for I-I, I-II, II-I, II-II, III-I, III-II, IV-I Supplementary Examinations August-2022.
Examination Fee Notification of IV B.Tech - II Semester (R18, R16, R14, R12) Regular / Supplementary Examination June-2022. 
Examination Fee Notification of I B.Tech - I Semester (2021 Batch) Regular Examinations April 2022. 
Examination Fee Notification for II, III & IV B. Tech - I Semester Regular Examinations February - 2022.
Examination Fee Notification for I, II, III & IV B.Tech Supplementary Examinations February/March - 2022.
Examination Circular of II B.Tech - I Semester - I Mid Examinations December 2021.
Attention Students of III B.Tech - II Semester (2018 Batch) : Postponement of Examinations Scheduled on of 14th, 16th , 18th September 2021. 
Examination Fee Notification for I, II, III & IV B.Tech - I & II Semesters Supplementary Examinations August - 2021. 
Examination of Fee Notification of II, III B. Tech - II Semester Regular Examinations Aug-2021.
Download Hall tickets of Rescheduled Supplementary Examinations starting from 07-07-2021.
Examination Fee Notification of I B.Tech - I Semester (R20) Regular Examinations - July-2021.
Examination Circular of I B.Tech - II Semester - I Mid Examinations June 2021.
Examination Circular of IV B.Tech - II Semester - II Mid Examinations June 2021.
Examination Fee Notification for IV B.Tech - II Semester (R11,R12, R14, R16) Regular/Supplementary Examinations June-2021. 
Circular of II, III B.Tech - II Semester (R18) - I Mid Examinations May/Jun 2021. 
Notification for II Mid Examination of I B.Tech I Semester March 2021.
Notification of One Time Chance - Examination for Improving B.Tech Internal Marks - March -2021. 
Examination Fee Notification - B.Tech Regular / Supplementary Examinations March -2021. 
Notification for II Mid Examination of II, III B.Tech I Semester Feb 2021.
Notification for II Mid Examination of IV B.Tech I Semester Feb 2021.
Dear Students, The Last date for Recounting / Revaluation (RC/RV) of Nov / Dec - 2020 Examinations is extended up to 06-02-2021.
Notification I Mid Examination of I B.Tech I Semester Feb 2021.
Notification I Mid Examination of IV B.Tech I Semester Jan 2021. 
Notification I Mid Examination of II III B.Tech I Semester Jan 2021 
Notification for IV B.Tech II Semester (R11, R12, R14, R16) - Advanced Supplementary Examinations Nov 2020.
Notification II Mid Exam of I II III B.Tech II Semester
Latest Exam Notices. Click Here
Notification for I M.TECH, MBA-I Sem Regular & Supply and I M.TECH, MBA -II Sem supply Examinations March-2025
Notification of I M.Tech & MBA - I Semester (2024 Batch) - I MID Examinations Dec 2024. 
Notification of II MBA -I Sem(2023 Batch) and II M.Tech-I Sem(2023 Batch)-I MID Examinations Nov-2024. 
Notification of I MBA -II Sem(2023 Batch) and I M.Tech-II Sem(2023 Batch)-II MID Examinations Auguest-2024.
Notification of I M.Tech, I MBA - II Semester (2023 Batch) I Mid-term Examinations June 2024.
Notification of II MBA - II Sem II Mid Examinations Sep- 2022. 
Fee notification of I M.Tech , I, II MBA - II Semester I Mid Reexaminations September 2022.
Examination Fee Notification for I M.Tech (R20)- II Semester Regular/ (R15,R18,R20) Supplementary Examinations September-2022. 
Examination Fee Notification for I MBA (R20)- II Semester Regular/ (R15,R18,R20)Supplementary Examinations September-2022. 
Examination Fee Notification for II MBA (R20)- II Semester Regular/ (R15,R18)Supplementary Examinations September-2022. 
Examination Fee Notification for II M.Tech (R20)- II Semester Supplementary Examinations September-2022. 
Examination Fee Notification for I II III MCA (R15,R18)- I & II Semesters Supplementary Examinations September-2022. 
Examination Fee Notification for I, II MBA - I Semester Regular & Supplementary AND I, II MBA - II Semester Supplementary Examinations March 2022. 
Examination Fee Notification for I, II M.Tech - I Semester Regular & Supplementary AND II M.Tech - II Semester Supplementary Examinations March 2022. 
Examination Fee Notification for I, II & III MCA - I & II Semester Supplementary Examinations March 2022. 
Notification of II M.Tech, II MBA - I Semester II Mid Examination March 2022.
Notification of I M.Tech, I MBA - I Semester I Mid Examination February 2022.
Examination Fee Notification for I M.Tech - II Semesters Regular / Supplementary and I, II M.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations October - 2021. 
Examination Fee Notification for I, II MBA & MCA - I Semesters Supplementary and III MCA I Semester Supplementary Examinations October - 2021. 
Examination Fee Notification for I MBA - II Semesters Regular / Supplementary AND I MCA II Semester Supplementary Examinations October - 2021. 
I M.Tech, I MBA - II Semester - II Mid Examination Notification. 
Examination Fee Notification for II MBA - II Semesters Supplementary (2017 & 2018 batches) Examinations September - 2021. 
Fee Notification of II MBA II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations Jul-2021. 
Download Hall tickets of Rescheduled Supplementary Examinations starting from 07-07-2021.
Examination Fee Notification of I M.Tech, I MBA - I Semester (R20) Regular Examinations - July-2021. 
Notification of One Time Chance - Examination for Improving MBA/MCA/M.Tech Internal Marks - March -2021. 
Notification for II Mid Examination of M.TECH, MBA, MCA I Semester Feb 2021. 
Examination Fee Notification - MBA , MCA Regular / Supplementary Examinations March -2021.
Examination Fee Notification - M.Tech Regular / Supplementary Examinations March -2021.
Dear Students, The Last date for Recounting / Revaluation (RC/RV) of Nov / Dec - 2020 Examinations is extended up to 06-02-2021.
Notification of Revaluation/Recounting of IV B.Tech II Semester, II MBA II Semester Examinations held in Sep 2020. 
Fee Notification for MBA, MCA, M.Tech Regular & Supplementary Examinations July 2020. 
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